chicken chickens bird birds fowl fowls flock flocks
Miner’s Domestic Poultry Book: A Treatise on the History, Breeding, and General Management of Foreign and Domestic Fowls, by T. B. Miner, Author of the “American Bee-keeper’s Manual” & Editor of the “Northern Farmer.”
All the late Importations of Fowls, and being descriptions by the best Fowl Fanciers in the United States, of all the most valuable breeds, with the Author’s extensive experience as a breeder, together with selected matter of interest, comprising, as it is believed, the most complete and authentic work on the subject ever published.
Illustrated by Numerous Portraits from Life.
Rochester, N. Y., Published by Geo. W. Fisher, 1853. Hardcover. Good. 256 pages + a few more pages of advertisements.
Looks like the spine was repaired at one time so the cover and spine have areas of what looks like some kind of glossy glue residue. New end sheets and free end sheets. Binding is now tight, with clean text with slight foxing and one stain on the page edges.
The introduction is by John C. Bennett, the former (and first) mayor of the Mormon capital of Nauvoo, in Illinois. There is also much information about him and his chicken raising throughout the text. [Bennett was the first mayor of Nauvoo, who worked out the Nauvoo Charter, but was eventually run out of town for “spiritual wifery.” Joseph Smith then became the mayor of Nauvoo.]
But this book is about the craft of raising chickens and the author is considered by many to be the main expert on such things.
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chicken chickens bird birds fowl fowls flock flocks
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