The DIM Hypothesis: The Epistemological Mechanics by which Philosophy Shapes Society Vols. 1 and 2 (Two Audiobooks in 30 Cassettes) ~ by Leonard Peikoff


The DIM Hypothesis: The Epistemological Mechanics by which Philosophy Shapes Society Vols. 1 and 2

(Two Audiobooks in 30 Cassettes)

By Leonard Peikoff

Two seperate audiobooks (in two thick cases) in 30 cassettes, all good condition with minimal wear…………………………….v1 Bx1360

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SKU: v1 Bx1360 12/29/20 CRS 21 Categories: , , Tags: , ,


The DIM Hypothesis: The Epistemological Mechanics by which Philosophy Shapes Society Vols. 1 and 2

(Two Audiobooks in 30 Cassettes)

By Leonard Peikoff

Two seperate audiobooks (in two thick cases) in 30 cassettes, all good condition with minimal wear…………………………….v1 Bx1360