Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Original Soundtrack — 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition/Inside Star Trek with Gene Rodenberry (2 CDs) (1998)


Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Original Soundtrack — 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition/Inside Star Trek with Gene Rodenberry

(2 CDs)

Published: 1998

2 good condition CDs kept within their original case and sleeve.  The sleeve has some scuffing and wrinkling, with a large price sticker.  The CD case has a crack.  The CDs have very minor scuffs.

v1 1904K

1 in stock

SKU: v1 1904K 5/22/24 CRS 37 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Original Soundtrack — 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition/Inside Star Trek with Gene Rodenberry

(2 CDs)

Published: 1998

2 good condition CDs kept within their original case and sleeve.  The sleeve has some scuffing and wrinkling, with a large price sticker.  The CD case has a crack.  The CDs have very minor scuffs.

v1 1904K


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