1937 — Of Mice & Men — John Steinbeck — True First Edition / First Printing, with Errors


Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men.
New York, Covici-Friede-Publishers.
There are many alleged First Edition copies on the market that are not true first editions and first printings. There are Book-of-the-Month Club editions, some with price-clipped dust jackets that many dealers are presenting as First Editions—but they are not!
You can identify a true first edition in this way:
  1. On page 9, lines 20 and 21 state “and only moved because the heavy hands were pendula”
  2. On page 88 the page number actually states “8*8”
These errors were corrected in subsequent printings.
This First Edition/First Printing is 186pp. Publisher’s Beige cloth, spine and upper cover lettered within orange title block between thick black lines.
This copy has no dust jacket, it is clean inside and throughout; strong binding; no names or markings inside the text. Very nice copy!


1 in stock

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classic classics of mice and men john steinbeck first edition first printing