U.S. Proof Set Album — 11 Sets of Proofs — Each Includes the Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, and Fifty Cent Piece from Each Year (See details for which sets are included)


This cute little blue book, with spiral binding, is packed with Proof Sets in plastic. There are eleven sets; one which is not bound in because there wasn’t room:
Here’s the contents:
1957 (2 Sets), 1960, 1961 (5 Sets), 1962, 1963, 1964 (All are from the Philadelphia Mint.)
Nice little bundle; get the whole lot with cheap shipping (only $4.50).



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SKU: v11 CaseG5/coinbx6 proofalbum Categories: , , ,


coin coins coinage collection collections penny pennies nickel nickels dime dimes quarter quarters fifty cent piece half dollars dollar coin collection silver silvers money set sets  franklin roosevelt washington george abraham lincoln thomas jefferson