28 Unique Pins — Sam Brannan #1004 Lodge — ECV — E. Kampus Vitus Fraternity — Rare Collection


28 different pins associated with this fraternity; a very unique Collection:
  1. Candelight Initiation (Chapter 1850 Mountain Charlie E. Clampus Vitus) “Right Wrongs Nobody”
  2. ECV “Original 49er”
  3. “Lewis and Clark Posse Discoverer”
  4. The Society of ECV The Ice Worm Cocktail “Hail the Great Cheechako”
  5. Foresthill Sweet 16, ECV Lord Sholto Douglas #3, April 29-30-5994
  6. E. Clampus Vitus, (with frogs)
  7. Liberty Ship
  8. Airplane pin
  9. Gold miner pin
  10. Transierra Roisterous Alliance of Senior Humbugs (plastic)
  11. A Round Tuit, Sam Brannan Chapter #1004
  12. Grand Council E Clampus Vitus Mariposa May 25, 6001 “Pass It Along To the Next Brother”
  13. Installation of Officers 5999, Sam Brannan Chapter #1004 ECV
  14. Princeton Ferry, Sam Brannan Chapter E. Clampus Vitus, August 12, 6000
  15. “Mother Never Told Me About Clampers”  #62 Trinitarianus Satisfactory (This pin is a bit risque.
  16. Copper-Colored “Venerable Clampatriarch….”
  17. E. Clampus Vitus Nov. 6, 1915 “Sound the Hewgag” BBC
  18. Clampus Vitus Wants You
  19. Salvador Vallejo 3-19-88 ECV #1004
  20. 1004 Sam Brannan Volpijs Speakeasy Pealuma, Calif., Aug. 8, 1992 ECV
  21. Sam Brannan Chapter #1004 Penngrove 2 March 5996 E. Clampus Vitus
  22. Society of Vitesticle Koyote Howlers, Sam Brannan Chapter #1004 ECV
  23. Mini California License Plate
  24. Yerba Buena No.1 E. Clampus Vitus March 28, 1992, Bummer & Lazarus
  25. 1990 Lola Montez ECV #1004
  26. #1004 ECV 3-18-89 150 Years-Napa Valley Railroading
  27. and others….

1 in stock

SKU: v707K 28 pins COINBX#3 Categories: , ,


fraternities mormon interest


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