Bundle of 5 Books on Fishing — Fly-Fishing for Great Lakes Steelhead / Bass Fishing / Tom McNalley’s Fisherman’s Bible / Fishing Vacations for All Budgets / Fishing the Big Three


  1. Fly Fishing for Great Lakes Steelhead. An Advanced Look at an Emerging Fishery. by Rick Kustich and Jerry Kustich. Larger size  hardcover with dust jacket.
  2. Bass Fishing, by Marcus Schneck, larger size hardcover; fair condition dust jacket.
  3. Tom McNally’s Fishermen’s Bible. 3rd Edition; hardcover; no dust jacket.
  4. Fishing Vacations for All Budgets, H. Lee Simpson, softcover.
  5. Ted Williams, Fishing the Big Three, Tarpon, Bonefish, Atlantic Salmon, hardcover; fair dust jacket.
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