Das Belletristische Ausland Kabinetsbibliothek der Classischen Romane Aller Nationen (German) (1850)


Das Belletristische Ausland Kabinetsbibliothek der Classischen Romane Aller Nationen

(German: The Foreign Fiction Cabinet Library of Classical Novels of All Nations)

Published: 1850

Fair condition, small, brown, leather-bound book.  The cover has been torn off, but is still included.  The binding is torn.  Some pages have been detached.  There are stains on some pages, but the text is all legible………………………………v4a Bx259

1 in stock

SKU: v4a Bx259 2/11/20 CRS 1 Categories: , , , , Tags: , , ,


Das Belletristische Ausland Kabinetsbibliothek der Classischen Romane Aller Nationen

(German: The Foreign Fiction Cabinet Library of Classical Novels of All Nations)

Published: 1850

Fair condition, small, brown, leather-bound book.  The cover has been torn off, but is still included.  The binding is torn.  Some pages have been detached.  There are stains on some pages, but the text is all legible………………………………v4a Bx259