Haltet die Gebote: Gedanken über die Anwendung von Evangelium Grundsätzen im taglichen Leben Ausgewahlt aus Predigten und Schriften des Prasidenten (German: Keep the Commandments: Thoughts on Applying Gospel Principles to Daily Life Selected from Presidential Sermons and Writings) (1945) ~ by Heber J. Grant


Haltet die Gebote: Gedanken über die Anwendung von Evangelium Grundsätzen im taglichen Leben Ausgewahlt aus Predigten und Schriften des Prasidenten

(German: Keep the Commandments: Thoughts on Applying Gospel Principles to Daily Life Selected from Presidential Sermons and Writings)

By Heber J. Grant

Published: 1945

Fair condition, large, thin, staple-bound, tan softcover.  The cover has creases, small tears, fraying, some wrinkling, scratches, and stains.  Some pages have creases.  The first page has writing in pencil and eraser marks.  Text throughout is clear and legible.

v11 1906N

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Haltet die Gebote: Gedanken über die Anwendung von Evangelium Grundsätzen im taglichen Leben Ausgewahlt aus Predigten und Schriften des Prasidenten

(German: Keep the Commandments: Thoughts on Applying Gospel Principles to Daily Life Selected from Presidential Sermons and Writings)

By Heber J. Grant

Published: 1945

Fair condition, large, thin, staple-bound, tan softcover.  The cover has creases, small tears, fraying, some wrinkling, scratches, and stains.  Some pages have creases.  The first page has writing in pencil and eraser marks.  Text throughout is clear and legible.

v11 1906N