The New Era: 1971, Vol. 1 (Bound Copy) (1971)


The New Era: 1971, Vol. 1

(Bound Copy)

Published: 1971

Multiple copies available.  Good condition, large, brown hardcover with no dust jacket.  Cover has some adhesive residue.  There may be a tear on the upper spine, and a swath of adhesive residue.  Fly leaf has some pencil and eraser marks.  Text and illustrations throughout are clean, clear, and legible…………………………………….v1 Bx902

2 in stock

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The New Era: 1971, Vol. 1

(Bound Copy)

Published: 1971

Multiple copies available.  Good condition, large, brown hardcover with no dust jacket.  Cover has some adhesive residue.  There may be a tear on the upper spine, and a swath of adhesive residue.  Fly leaf has some pencil and eraser marks.  Text and illustrations throughout are clean, clear, and legible…………………………………….v1 Bx902