New Orleans Recipes (1932) ~ by Mary Moore Bremer


New Orleans Recipes

By Mary Moore Bremer

Published: 1932

Fair condition, thin, tan softcover with a red comb binding. There is heavy staining on the bottom edge of the book, that extends through all the pages and covers.  The front cover also has additional stains, creasing, scuffs, and some minor fraying at the corners.  The flyleaf has a recipe for Cheese cake written in pen, and some additional writing in pencil.  Text and illustrations throughout are legible, being unaffected by the stains on the page edges………………..v702 Bx1856F

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SKU: v702 Bx1856F 10/18/21 CRS 7 Categories: , , , Tags: , , ,


New Orleans Recipes

By Mary Moore Bremer

Published: 1932

Fair condition, thin, tan softcover with a red comb binding. There is heavy staining on the bottom edge of the book, that extends through all the pages and covers.  The front cover also has additional stains, creasing, scuffs, and some minor fraying at the corners.  The flyleaf has a recipe for Cheese cake written in pen, and some additional writing in pencil.  Text and illustrations throughout are legible, being unaffected by the stains on the page edges………………..v702 Bx1856F


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