The Journal of Anson Call ~ Shann L. Call and Hadyn Call ~ Special Edition — Hardbound with Dust Jacket


ISBN: 9781890718602
READ FOR YOURSELF of Anson’s classic and profound struggle to accept the Gospel, the preaching of which was “…a constant annoyance to my feelings…. I was proud and haughty, and to obey the Gospel was worse than death…” of being beaten nearly to death by mobbers; of his vivid description of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s vision that the Saints would be driven to the Rocky Mountains; of Orrin Porter Rockwell’s riding madly into Nauvoo, shouting, “Joseph is killed! Joseph is killed!”; of Anson’s dream, or vision, of meeting with Joseph while in prayerful mourning over his beloved Prophet’s death; of the transformation of Brigham Young into the likeness of the Prophet Joseph; of his battle with the crickets in 1849, and the gulls assistance “when nearly every ray of hope was gone”; of his beautiful vision of the Savior and other prophets; of that terrible suffering of the handcart company “freasing and dying and the most suffering that I ever saw among human beings.”
Eborn Books, 2007. 272 pages; very good like new with dust jacket. RARE.

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