
Day After Day, The Translation of the Book of Mormon – by Patrick A. Bishop – ISBN: 9781890718305

Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $6.48.

Day After Day, The Translation of the Book of Mormon, by Patrick A. Bishop; Eborn Publishing, 2018. 137 pages. Softcover.
This book:
1. Clarifies just how long the translation of the Book of Mormon actually took.
2. Adopts its title from a phrase both Oliver Cowdery and Emma Smith used in explaining their assistance in the work, that Joseph translated with them as scribes “day after day.”
3. It also explains periods of translation that correspond with revelations received.
4. It convincingly argues that Oliver Cowdery actually translated half a verse of the Book of Mormon.
5. The Appendices also have amazing information, including a better explanation of “the sprout” used by Oliver Cowdery.
The author hopes this book will help create a deeper appreciation for Joseph Smith and his scribes: Emma Smith, Martin Harris, Reuben Hale, Samuel Harrison Smith, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Christian Whitmer, who all deserve credit for their assistance in the work.
For more by Patrick Bishop click HERE. He appeared as a historian in the fascinating documentary called Picturing Joseph.

ISBN: 9781890718305


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