Follow the Brethren – Research Report from the Church Library Historical Department 1973


Black velo strip spine; clear plastic sheet on front cover; Researchers were David B. Allred and Susan Fales. Includes quotes from many brethren; i.e. Melvin J. Ballard, George Q. Cannon, Office of the First Presidency, Heber J. Grant, Orson Hyde, Spencer W. Kimball, Harold B. Lee, Orson Pratt, Joseph Smith, Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Erastus Snow, John Taylor, Orson F. Whitney, John A. Widtsoe, Wilford Woodruff, Brigham Young, and others.

85 pages + Appendix. Good condition. Rare.

1 in stock


Black velo strip spine; clear plastic sheet on front cover; Researchers were David B. Allred and Susan Fales. Includes quotes from many brethren; i.e. Melvin J. Ballard, George Q. Cannon, Office of the First Presidency, Heber J. Grant, Orson Hyde, Spencer W. Kimball, Harold B. Lee, Orson Pratt, Joseph Smith, Joseph F. Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Erastus Snow, John Taylor, Orson F. Whitney, John A. Widtsoe, Wilford Woodruff, Brigham Young, and others.

85 pages + Appendix. Good condition. Rare.


v1 bx48Q.