Der Stern: No. 16, 15, August 1933 (German: The Star: No. 16, 15, August 1933) (1933)


Der Stern: No. 16, 15, August 1933

(German: The Star: No. 16, 15, August 1933)

Published: 1933

Fair condition, thin, tan, staple-bound softcover.  The cover has some faint stains and yellowing.  Some pages have creases or wrinkling.  The third page has writing in pencil and some eraser marks.  Text throughout is clear and legible.

v111 1913E

1 in stock


Der Stern: No. 16, 15, August 1933

(German: The Star: No. 16, 15, August 1933)

Published: 1933

Fair condition, thin, tan, staple-bound softcover.  The cover has some faint stains and yellowing.  Some pages have creases or wrinkling.  The third page has writing in pencil and some eraser marks.  Text throughout is clear and legible.

v111 1913E