Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckly 2 Vol. Set (Leather) (2004-2005)


Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckly 2 Vol. Set


Published: 2004 (Vol. 1) – 2005 (Vol. 2)

2 very good condition, dark blue, leather-bound books.  The covers have a couple minor scratches.  The second flyleaf of Vol. 1 has writing in pencil.  Text throughout each book is clean, clear, and legible.

v707R Loc#42

1 in stock

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Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckly 2 Vol. Set


Published: 2004 (Vol. 1) – 2005 (Vol. 2)

2 very good condition, dark blue, leather-bound books.  The covers have a couple minor scratches.  The second flyleaf of Vol. 1 has writing in pencil.  Text throughout each book is clean, clear, and legible.

v707R Loc#42