A Mighty Change ~ Christopher R. Greenwood ~ 2011 ~ Softbound — ISBN: 9781890718800


The Mighty Change. The Process of Going From Good to Great. By Christopher R. Greenwood. Eborn Books: 2011. 143 pages. Softbound. ISBN: 9781890718800.

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About the Book: 

During our mortal probation, we experience adversity, temptations, and challenges as we prepare for eternity. By discussing doctrinal truths from the Book of Mormon, references from General Authorities of the LDS Church, and personal insights gained from his own life experiences, author Greenwood shows us many ways we can purify our spirits and fulfill our potential. He motivates us to search more deeply into our own hearts and desire the purifying effects of the Holy Ghost that will result in a mighty change. For those Latter-day Saints who seek transforming power in their lives, and with insights from the prophets, both ancient and modern, Brother Greenwood gently and reverently illuminates the path they should pursue.