
The Mendon Saints – 4 Volume Set ~ Stephen G. Schwendiman — New Hardcovers

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Original price was: $199.80.Current price is: $99.00.

Four volume set. Biographies on individuals and families that converted to Mormonism in Mendon, New York. Includes Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and many others.

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In the early 1830’s, missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints visited Mendon, New York. After studying the doctrines of the restored gospel many were baptized and a branch of the Church was established.
The four volumes that make up “The Mendon Saints: Their Lives and Legacy,” explore not only a history of the Church in Mendon but follow the lives of every family member who was living in Mendon at the time the branch was active. From this small town of Mendon came Prophets, Apostles, Missionaries, Stake Presidents, Bishops, and Relief Society works. They helped established the Church in Ohio, Missiouri, Illinois and Utah. Their influence was remarkable and is capsulized in the biographical histories that compose this work.
Seventy-nine individuals in sixteen family units who made up this branch of the Church have been identified. Their lives and relationship with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are explored. Regardless of whether these individuals associated with the Church, its influence can be seen in their lives.
This study explores how the Church influenced and impacted entire families and how the small town of Mendon, New York, produced individuals who were pillars of Church leadership.