Sunday School Outlines of the Primary and Kindergarten Departments: Series B, No. 1


Sunday School Outlines of the Primary and Kindergarten Departments: Series B, No. 1

Fair condition, cream colored, thin, pamphlet.  The spine has tears on it, and the cover has scuff marks, stains and some minor pencil marks, along with some creasing at the corners.  The back cover of the pamphlet has some tearing where an old price sticker was removed.  The first page has some pencil and eraser marks.  Text throughout is clean, clear, and legible…………………………………v1 Bx621

1 in stock

SKU: v1 Bx621 5/22/20 CRS 1 Categories: , Tags: , , ,


Sunday School Outlines of the Primary and Kindergarten Departments: Series B, No. 1

Fair condition, cream colored, thin, pamphlet.  The spine has tears on it, and the cover has scuff marks, stains and some minor pencil marks, along with some creasing at the corners.  The back cover of the pamphlet has some tearing where an old price sticker was removed.  The first page has some pencil and eraser marks.  Text throughout is clean, clear, and legible…………………………………v1 Bx621