Pearl of Great Price (1941 Edition)


Pearl of Great Price

Printed: 1941

Multiple copies available.  Good condition, thin, blue hardcovers with no dust jackets.  Cover has some wear, particularly on the spine, and some color-fading.  There are some small amounts of writing, (both ink and pencil) on a few pages of the book……………………………………..v1 Bx1031

2 in stock

SKU: v1 Bx1031 1/20/20 CRS 4 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


Pearl of Great Price

Printed: 1941

Multiple copies available.  Good condition, thin, blue hardcovers with no dust jackets.  Cover has some wear, particularly on the spine, and some color-fading.  There are some small amounts of writing, (both ink and pencil) on a few pages of the book……………………………………..v1 Bx1031


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