1867 — All the Western States & Territories, from the Alleghanies To the Pacific — John W. Barber & Henry Howe — Leather Binding — Unique Mormon Content


“Howe’s Subscription Book Concern” Cincinnati, Ohio, 1867. Thick leather binding; somewhat worn and chipping at top and bottom of spine. Binding is slightly loosening inside.
240 Engravings. Marbled end sheets and free end sheets. Sticker inside from a “Private Library.” Very unique and quite scarce!
Sections on each of the Western States. In the Utah section there is fascinating content about the Mormons. Most of what was printed about the Mormons in the 1860s was negative.
Here are example quotes from the text:
“They have set up a church government of their own, and they desire no other government to rule over them.” 539.
Mormonism is “a religious eccentricity, as well as one of the great monstrosities of the age” 539.
“grotesque, absurd, and monstrous system” 539.
“The women and girls are course, masculine and uneducated, and are mostly drafted from the lowest stages of society.” 541.
“Most of these men are no doubt fugitives from justice, and most of them are bankrupt in both fortune and character.” 541
“The ill-sorted children–the offspring of one father and many mothers–run about like so many animals.” 541.

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utah states united states travel religion leathers leatherbound leatherbounds