1900 — LDS Danish Booklet — Bound in the Back of a Danish New Testament ( Det nye Testamente og Salmernes Bog) — Small Leather Volume


Bibel-citater en samling af skrifsteder og historiske citater ordnede i kapitler Fremstillende evangeliet eller frelsens grundsaeteinger i overensstemmelse med de oprindelige kristnes og de sidste dages helliges tro og laerdomme tredie oplag, Kobenhavn, udgivet og forlagt af Andreas Peterson.
Translates to:
Bible quotes a collection of scriptures and historical quotations arranged in chapters Presenting the Gospel or the Principles of Salvation in accordance with the beliefs and teachings of the original Christians and Latter-day Saints, third edition, Copenhagen, published and published by Andreas Peterson. 120 pages.
This item is quite scarce and is bound behind the New Testament in a very small little leatherbound volume.  Bendable black leather; pretty good condition but quite worn on the binding, especially at the top of the spine; title in gilt on spine and on front cover.  Some markings in the text mostly in red pencil, but not bad.

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mormon mormons mormonism lds foreign danish denmark doctrine holy bible new testament



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