Anthology of Mormon Literature, Vol.2 — 13 LDS Pamphlets Bound Together in One Volume!


Faded reddish colored cloth hardcover binding. States, Volume 2 (we don’t have volume one). This book includes the following:
  1. Rays of Living Light, by Charles W. Penrose
  2. Radio Addresses By Elder Samuel O. Bennion (Of the First Council of the Seventy), 1938
  3. The Philosophical Basis of Mormonism, by James E. Talmage, 1915
  4. Mormon Doctrine, by Charles W. Penrose
  5. The Strength of the Mormon Position, by Orson F. Whitney, Edition of August, 1928
  6. Mormonism, by B. H. Roberts, 1927
  7. Mr. Durant of Salt Lake City, That Mormon, by Ben E. Rich, 1929
  8. Voice of Warning, by Parley P. Pratt, not dated, but has original green wrapper bound with it.
  9. The Great Apostasy, by James E. Talmage, no date
  10. Discourse, The Three Degrees of Glory, Melvin J. Ballard, 1922.
  11. Blood Atonement & The Origin of Plural Marriage, Correspondence between Joseph F. Smith…..and Richard C. Evans (RLDS)
  12. An Apostle Speaks About Marriage to John and Mary, by Spencer W. Kimball, 1949
  13. Teachings of President Brigham Young (Salvation for the Dead, The Spirit World and Kindred Subjects).
All these pamphlets bound nicely together; Clean text throughout except a few pages with red pencil highlighting. Some tape remnants and a missionary card glued inside the front cover. Some similar clear tape remnants inside the back cover; binding is solid.


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SKU: v11 case L red cloth pamphlets bound Categories: , ,


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