Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought — Vol.2., No.2 — Summer 1967 — Single Issue Periodical


Single issue periodical, as pictured.
  • Peculiar People, Positive Thinkers, And the Prospect of Mormon Literature, by Samuel W. Taylor
  • Mormon Attitudes Toward the Political Roles of Church Leaders, by Dean E. Mann
  • Translating Mormon Thought, by Marcellus S. Snow
  • The Coalville Tabernacle, A Photographic Essay, by Thomas Wood and Douglas Hill
  • Obscenity and the Inspired Constitution: A Dilemma for Mormons, by Arvo Van Alstyne
  • Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues, by Kenneth R. Hardy
  • Toward a Positive Censorship, by Stephen L. Tanner
  • Reviews

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