The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements w/ Fold-Out Map (First Edition) (1919) ~ by B. H. Roberts


The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements w/ Fold-Out Map

(First Edition)

By B. H. Roberts

Published: 1919

Multiple copies available.  Fair-Good condition, small, thin, burgundy hardcovers with no dust jackets.  The covers have bubbling, scuffs, scratches, and some wear along the edges and corners.  The inside front cover has a large and old sticker.  The flyleaves have some writing in pen, pencil and eraser marks.  The fold-out maps are in great shape.  Text throughout is clean, clear, and legible…………………………v1 Bx1843C

3 in stock

SKU: v1 Bx1843C 7/19/21 CRS 3 Categories: , Tags: , , ,


The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements w/ Fold-Out Map

(First Edition)

By B. H. Roberts

Published: 1919

Multiple copies available.  Fair-Good condition, small, thin, burgundy hardcovers with no dust jackets.  The covers have bubbling, scuffs, scratches, and some wear along the edges and corners.  The inside front cover has a large and old sticker.  The flyleaves have some writing in pen, pencil and eraser marks.  The fold-out maps are in great shape.  Text throughout is clean, clear, and legible…………………………v1 Bx1843C


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