“Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, the Foremost Composer from the Golden Years of Hollywood” on Vinyl Record


Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, the Foremost Composer from the Golden Years of Hollywood on Vinyl Record

This vinyl record is in great condition with no scratches and a little dust.  The case has some scuff marks, and some fraying along the edges and corners…………………………………..v700 Case K

1 in stock

SKU: v700 Case K 8/6/20 CRS 32 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, the Foremost Composer from the Golden Years of Hollywood on Vinyl Record

This vinyl record is in great condition with no scratches and a little dust.  The case has some scuff marks, and some fraying along the edges and corners…………………………………..v700 Cave 134


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