Old Family Photograph Album — With 16 Cabinet Card Photographs


There are 16 cabinet cards in this book, only one picture has a name on it. A gentleman in a hat is pictured and inked on the front is “Andreas S. Sage, ’05.”
So, the album appears to be around 1905. Some of the cabinet cards are from Iowa and South Dakota, by companies like Yankton and Dax, or by Kirby, Jankton.
One has “Janousek, Cabinet Portrait” and another says “Mrs. Julie Adams.” One has “A. G. Norton, Monona, Iowa.”
The album itself is quite worn, as is visible from the photograph. There is a little piece of metal on the front board showing that it once probably had a clasp of some kind to hold it together.
The last few places for cards are empty.
A very unique little collection of photographs.


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photo photos picture pictures cabinets