2 Different Books on 3 Audio Cassettes by Dr. George Reisman: Capitalism: The Cure for Racism / Toward the Establishment of a Capitalism


2 Different Books on 3 Audio Cassettes by Dr. George Reisman

  • Capitalism: The Cure for Racism (1984), by Dr. George Reisman
  • Toward the Establishment of a Capitalism (1986), by Dr. G. Reisman

3 good audio cassettes kept within cases.  One of the cassettes for Toward the Establishment of a Capitalist Society has a small stain on its casement.  Otherwise, the cassettes are in great shape.

v111 Bx1901S

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SKU: v111 Bx1901S 7/29/22 CRS 11 Categories: , , Tags: , ,


2 Different Books on 3 Audio Cassettes by Dr. George Reisman

  • Capitalism: The Cure for Racism (1984), by Dr. George Reisman
  • Toward the Establishment of a Capitalism (1986), by Dr. G. Reisman

3 good audio cassettes kept within cases.  One of the cassettes for Toward the Establishment of a Capitalist Society has a small stain on its casement.  Otherwise, the cassettes are in great shape.

v111 Bx1901S