1853 ~ Indian Tribes of the United States ~ 6 Volume Set ~ Schoolcraft ~ Extremely Rare Set!


Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States; Collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs per act of Congress of March 3rd, 1847. By Henry R. Schoolcraft, L.L.D. Illustrated by S. Eastman, Capt. U.S. Army. Published by authority of Congress, Philadelphia. Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
Some of the illustrations are in color! The text blocks are quite good, but the bindings are very worn original bindings on the first three volumes; the last three volumes are rebound in library-type bindings. Books are inscribed and signed by L. Lea of the Federal Offices.
Volume One: Heavy wear to boards and some staining on them as well; but binding is still in tact; the spine is both worn and quite sun faded.
Volume Two: Original binding; very worn, bottom half of spine is torn off, as is a smaller piece at the top of the spine; inside the text block is still good, with the expected foxing.
Volume Three: Original cloth binding; part of top of spine torn; spine also sun-faded; worn binding; text block is quite good; clean text throughout. The inside text blocks of these books are all much better than you would expect from looking at the bindings themselves.
Volume Four: Rebound in a library-type red binding. First page states “Ethnological Researches, Respecting The Red Man of America.” 1854. Text block is great; with many illustrations, some in color, like the other volumes.
Volumes Five and Six: Similar to volume four; red hardcover; library markings on spine and inside; text block quite good.
Overall this set is in pretty good condition. The bindings are not as impressive as the text blocks and the fantastic early information found within; we saw two other complete sets on the market when we listed this set. They were priced at $12,500 and $17,500. We think this set is well worth the price we have listed. If you have any questions email us at ebornbk@hotmail.com



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