Latter-Day Patriots; Nine Mormon Families and Their Revolutionary War Heritage — Gene Allred Sessions — Hardbound


  • The book pictured here does not have a dust jacket.
  • The jacket looks the same as the cover.
  • If we have a copy in stock with a dust cover, we will ship that one; otherwise there will not be a dust cover.
  • ISBN: 0877476004
  • Published by the Deseret Book Company
  • 219 pages
Contains these chapters:
  1. Joseph Smith, An American Heritage
  2. John  Young, Soldier of the Revolution
  3. Daniel Wood: Conscience More Than Comfort
  4. Ezra Taft Benson: A Heritage of Service
  5. Daniel  H. Wells: The Price of Liberty
  6. Edward Bunker: Heritage of a Name
  7. John Brown: Out of the Ordinary
  8. Christeen Golden Kimball: Bearing a Legend
  9. Hartman Rector, Jr., Let It Be True


8 in stock

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mormon mormons mormonism LDS lds genealogy family history war revolutionaries biography biographies