California Immigrant Union Letter #10 ~ San Francisco, August 19th, 1872


Single sheet of paper; folded in fourths and tipped inside an old book; the book has had old newspaper clippings glued onto most of the pages, so most of the original text is covered up. The letter itself is very unique; a single-sided print. Very rare!

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Single sheet of paper; folded in fourths and tipped inside an old book; the book has had old newspaper clippings glued onto most of the pages, so most of the original text is covered up. The letter itself is very unique; a single-sided print. Very rare! The letter is by William H. Martin, General Agent California Immigrant Union. The hardcover book is brown cloth with the words “Sartor Resartus” and “Carlyle” printed on the spine; a bit worn, but this unique item is really about the letter, which is quite scarce by itself…………………v1 vault


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