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2 New LDS Books — First Days and the Last Days / Enoch & The Gathering of Zion

2 New LDS Books — First Days and the Last Days / Enoch & The Gathering of Zion


The First Days and the Last Days – A Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Book of Moses and JS-Matthew in Light of the Temple.
Published by The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books
Like a perfectly formed pair of bookends, the Book of Moses and Joseph Smith’s inspired translation of Matthew 24 (JS—Matthew) bracket within their pages the essential survival guide for our times. In the first days, Adam and Eve looked forward to Christ’s coming; in the last days, we look backward to Christ’s mortal life and forward to his return in glory. In the beginning, Enoch learned the principles and ordinances that would allow his people to dwell in God’s bosom; in the end, we treasure the same ordinances that will allow us to stand in the holy place with perfect assurance.
This comprehensive phrase-by-phrase commentary on the Book of Moses and JS-Matthew is the result of decades of research. In its pages you will find both practical everyday wisdom and the answers to life’s most important questions. You will also see as never before how the doctrines and ordinances of the temple are deeply woven into the fabric of these accounts, providing a testimony of their authenticity and antiquity. Beautiful illustrations coupled with detailed explanations further illuminate the text.
Enoch and the Gathering of Zion – The Witness of Ancient Texts for Modern Scripture
Published by The Interpreter Foundation and Book of Mormon Central
in cooperation with Eborn Books
In time for the Come Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Curriculum

Latter-day Saints have long been fascinated and inspired by the Book of Moses story of Enoch. Within its two lengthy chapters is the closest thing to a full biography we have in the Book of Moses. And what a biography! Moses 6–7 detail his call, his teaching mission, his glorious vision, his miraculous victories in battle, and the ultimate ascent of the city of Zion to the bosom of God. But did you know that Latter-day Saint scholars, beginning with Hugh Nibley, have begun to find pieces of what often seem to be new and authentic elements of Enoch’s story in fragments of ancient documents that have turned up with astonishing frequency over the last several decades?
Among the most significant of these documents is a Dead Sea Scroll text called the Book of Giants. Although the combined fragments of the Book of Giants scarcely fill three pages in one popular translation, we find in it the most extensive series of significant resemblances between a single ancient text and Joseph Smith’s account of Enoch’s preaching mission and subsequent battles with his enemies. These resemblances range from general themes in the story line (secret works, murders, visions, earthly and heavenly books of remembrance that evoke fear and trembling, moral corruption, hope held out for repentance, the crying out of the earth, the gathering of the righteous, and the eventual defeat of Enoch’s adversaries in battle—ending with their utter destruction and imprisonment) to specific occurrences of rare expressions in corresponding contexts (the reference to a “wild man,” the name and parallel role of a character corresponding to Mahijah/Mahujah, and the “roar of the wild beasts”). Though there is admittedly an abundance of chaff mixed with the wheat in the ancient Enoch literature, unlikely discoveries of even a few grains of such wheat sometimes may be of great significance.
With the help of the Book of Giants and other ancient texts, we are now in a better position than ever before to assemble the most complete, authentic, and detailed biography of Enoch to appear in modern times. In our day, when humble heros and visionaries are often scorned and mocked, we need to understand the story of Enoch more than ever. After all, we are to be, like Enoch’s people, fully engaged in making the scriptural vision of Zion a reality.

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