Deep Cover Cop (2011) ~ Told by Ted Sumner to Mills Crenshaw


Deep Cover Cop

Told by Ted Sumner to Mills Crenshaw

Published: 2011

ISBN: 9780615482125

Multiple copies available, all in very good condition.  Purplish-blue hardcovers with dust jackets.  Jackets have scuff and smudge marks, and may have some adhesive residue and scratches.  One of the copies has a small stain on the edges of a couple pages.  Pencil marks may be on the fly leaf.  Otherwise, the text throguhout each copy is clean, clear, and legible……………………………v1 Bx1156

6 in stock

SKU: v1 Bx1156 8/9/19 CRS 1 Categories: , , , Tags: , , , , ,


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