The Temple Past, Present, & Future — Temple on Mount Zion Series Volume 6 — Edited by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw & Stephen D. Ricks


Proceedings of the Fifth Interpreter Matthew B. Brown Memorial Conference “The Temple on Mount Zion” 7 November 2020.
Editors: Stephen D. Ricks and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Interpreter Foundation & Eborn Books
2021. 327 Pages; Hardbound with Dust Jacket; ISBN: 9781609199036.
  • That They May Be Purified in Me: Ritual Purification in 3 Nephi 19 and Its Implications for Divine Belonging as the Telos of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances and Worship, Matthew L. Bowen
  • The Past and Future of the Temple Lot in Jackson County, Missouri, R. Jean Addams
  • Cherubim and Seraphim: Iconography in the First Jerusalem Temple, John Gee
  • Ruth: An Allegorical Reading, Mack C. Stirling
  • Wiraqocha and the Rites of the Temple in Raq’chi, Peru, Van C. Evans
  • The Messianic Sacred, Not Secret: The Son as a Hidden Name in the Gospel of Mark, Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye
  • Prayer with Uplifted Hands, Stephen D.  Ricks
  • From Temple to Church: Defining Sacred Space in the Near East, David Calabro
  • Made Stronger Than Many Waters: The Purported Sacred Names of Moses as a Series of Keywords, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and Matthew L. Bowen
  • Woman and the Priesthood in the Contemporary Church, Barbara Morgan Gardner

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This is the sixth volume of the Temple on Mount Zion Series published by The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books. The purpose of the series is to increase understanding and appreciation of temple rituals and doctrines, and to encourage participation in the redeeming work of family history and temple worship.
“The Ancient Hebrews did not believe that the temple concept originated in the time of Moses. Rather, they taught that temple rituals and doctrines originated with Adam and were handed down among the biblical patriarchs. This is precisely what the Prophet Joseph Smith tried to teach the world during the early 1800s, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal and has been on the earth since the beginning.” — Matthew B. Brown, The Gate of Heaven, p.44.


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